Conversion Crash Course review
hello everyone lets go in my review with Conversion Crash Course product system this software by Charles G. When it comes to your business, the Conversion Crash Course will literally change your life, your business and your fortunes. There's a lot of hype about traffic
Who Else Wants to Survive
Conversion Crash Course review
ou'll also have access to a private, members only forum where you can get any questions answered during the week, and personal one-on-one time with
me. I'm committed to make sure you "get it" because that weeks content
builds on the rest and you can't fall behind if you want maximum
hello everyone lets go in my review with Conversion Crash Course product system this software by Charles G. When it comes to your business, the Conversion Crash Course will literally change your life, your business and your fortunes. There's a lot of hype about traffic
Who Else Wants to Survive
The Four Horsemen of the
Conversion Apocalypse
You can side-step the whole mess for just a buck...
Warning: I'm dead serious about what you're about to read...
From: Mike Morgan
Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA
Saturday, 7:06 AM
Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA
Saturday, 7:06 AM
gnore the sober warning
contained in this letter, and you may as well take your online
business... your website and any shot at prosperity online - and KISS THEM GOODBYE.
On the other hand, if you choose to HEED the warning you're about to read - and ACT on the advice I offer you in this urgent report, not only will you have plenty of time to save your business...
... you'll have the opportunity to reap up to 617% more customer conversion in 2007!
this is Tellman Knudson, and you know what I write a lot of copy, we come up with some really, really high converting sales pages and e-mail.
I recently wanted to improve our
ability to write copy to increase our conversions on our sales pages, on
our squeeze pages, on our e-mails, on everything we do.
And the first person I went to was Mr.
Mike Morgan, himself. I hired him for a 6 week copy training intensive
and I gotta tell you. This guy blew my mind!
Mike Morgan is the man when it comes
to increasing conversions. He taught me one technique that immediately
tripled the effectiveness of one of our existing sales letters
Conversion Crash Course review
I've known Mike Morgan for the past two years, and
I don't know of anyone who shares his knowledge and experience as
generously as he does.
Frankly, I was surprised when Mike told
me his plans for the Conversion Crash Course. For most people, putting
together and launching a multi-month course is an enormous effort. And
Mike isn't the kind of guy to do anything half-assed.
I know he will bust his butt to make
this course the best of it's kind. Couple that with the frenzied demand
for Mike's copywriting services and I have to question his sanity. The
man is a copy and conversion machine! So here's my suggestion: Get in
line right now for Mike's course before he goes back on his meds and
changes his mind.
Seriously, Mike has a proven record of
converting sales. His friendly, laid-back approach to teaching and his
utter commitment to your success makes his course a no brainerConversion Crash Course review
I was just looking our our sales statistics, and I
noticed that along with the increased conversion rate, using his simple
Upsell techniques just last month alone, we were able to increase our
annual revenues by a little over $30,000 from what we would have done
otherwise, with the same number of sales, and that's just last month's
This will mean many tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue to us in just this coming year. Mike... You're the man
Conversion Crash Course review
The course takes place over 12 weeks and consists of three parts.
First, you'll learn the "Big
3" non-copy conversion boosters that have more influence on your success
than anything else. Guest experts Mark Joyner, Tellman Knudson, and
David Garfinkel will help you tune these elements up so your "Yugo"
promotion gets pumped up like a Formula 1 race car.
We'll stay on the phone as long as it takes to answer questions and make sure it sticks. I don't care if I'm on the phone for 3 even 4 hours if that's what it takes
Maybe it's not as good as having me in your
home or office in person, but I would literally have to charge 15 times
the price. That means this is the best opti systemon at the lowest cost to get access to my unique brand of conversion magic.
The second part of the program is dedicated to testing. We'll get you set up with proven, web-based testing and tracking software you can start using right away. Then, you'll learn my exact testing methods, what to test... and when to test it.
Conversion Crash Course
These are the precise strategies and tactics you always wished someone would reveal to you... but never did.
Million dollar secrets like:
- Secrets of the "Big 3" and how to leverage them before you even put your fingers on the keyboard (or pay a copywriter) so you have the hidden advantage the gurus use to knock down monster paydays
- The easiest thing you can do to almost instantly boost sales (takes only minutes) and create a rabid following of never ending customers
- Why most people get the "hook" wrong (if they even get THAT far)... and how you can rise to the top of the conversion heap when you learn the "PT Barnum Mindset" (no, it's not "a sucker is born every minute...")
- How to find your "thirsty crowd" and tap into them like a never ending cash machine using the "so called secret" of what they most desire
- Sure, everybody says to test... but very few actually do it. You'll discover how to make it fast, effective and painless with my favorite tool (FREE!)
- Plug in the proven formula for tweaking sales copy that can boost your sales by 500% or more!
- How to "write" attention grabbing headlines that keep visitor eyeballs stuck on your sales pitch... it's simple and easy as filling in the blanks
- How to deeply connect with total strangers so your believability skyrockets and they hang on every word. It's so powerful, you can't afford to miss this vital information... even if all you use to sell is audio and video
- Listen, if you wanted to hire me to work with you on a project, you better be ready to send me a PayPal for $20,000, and be willing to share the profits.The problem with that is I just can't work for everyone. There's simply not enough time in the day for me to do it.This is the next best thing.If you're a copywriter, what you'll learn here will allow you to double your fee's almost overnight. You won't be a "me too" copywriter. You will be so much more. You'll have the chops to test, and you'll become a high level consultant to your clients.That means you'll make more money, and so will they.If you're a marketer, you'll get access to my proven skills and proprietary methods and jack-up your take home for a fraction of what it costs to hire me. You'll learn the most important elements to driving conversion higher. And you'll have the chops to evaluate any copywriter you may hire.100% Satisfaction...
Guaranteed!Bottom-line: I want to make sure you feel you're getting a huge return on your membership. After all, it's the most vital skill if you want to make money it now